The Pure Derma Guide To Derma Rolling

The Pure Derma Guide To Derma Rolling

Read on for everything you need to know about derma rolling

Hearing lots of talk about derma rollers but not sure what it can do for you? They can be a great way of revitalising the skin at home without having to pay for expensive facials or spa treatments.


A derma roller is a handheld tool used to roll across the skin’s surface, puncturing the skin with tiny microneedles.
(The Pure Derma Roller has 540 titanium microneedles to be exact).
Titanium is more durable than stainless steel which means the needles will last longer and will not blunt as quickly.
The microneedles create tiny wounds that stimulate the body’s natural healing response and prompt the body to send skin protecting molecules like collagen and elastin to the skin’s surface therefore stimulating new cell generation.


Reduced fine lines & wrinkles.
Enhanced product absorption.
Reduced shallow scar tissue.
More even skin tone & texture.
Enhanced beard & hair growth.
Reduction of the appearance of large pores. 


Consider starting with a short needle length (0.25mm) and minimal number of passes over the face until you understand how derma rolling affects your skin.
Thoroughly cleanse your face.
Roll in one direction (pass) about 4 times depending on your skin tolerance and sensitivity and make sure to lift the roller after each pass… Roll in one direction. Lift up. Repeat.
The rolling method involves three parts: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal movements.
Start by rolling the derma roller up and down your forehead, cheeks, and chin, making sure not to apply too much pressure. Then, switch to horizontal movements followed by diagonal ones.
 Spend no more than 2 minutes using the derma roller at any one time.
Stay away from the upper & lower eye socket area and be extra careful on sensitive places such as the nose and upper lip.
Please note: Some serum ingredients can cause an adverse reaction if sent further into the skin after derma rolling. Avoid potentially irritating retinol and vitamin C and opt for ones rich in hyaluronic acid that will seal in moisture and help with skin regeneration.
An evening regime is generally accepted as the best time to use your derma roller when the skin is not susceptible to daylight sun damage.
Disinfect the roller by soaking in 70% isopropyl  alcohol for 10 minutes, place the roller back in its case and store away from children.
Do not use if you have any skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, conditions that could easily spread to other parts of the face such as active acne or warts or a history of blood clots.
Experts advise stopping retinol 5 days before derma rolling to avoid an adverse reaction. 


This depends on the size of the needle and skin sensitivity which is why we recommend minimal use to start.
For 0.25mm, recommended use: 2-3 times per week (starting with less to measure tolerance).
For 0.5mm, recommended use: once per week (starting with less to measure tolerance).
Make sure your skin is completely recovered before starting another session.


After derma rolling, the skin may be red for a couple of hours and feel like sunburn. You may also experience minor swelling.
Less common risks include dark or light spots on the skin, cold sore flare ups, infection, swollen lymph nodes.
You may experience minor redness for approximately 2 to 3 days and the skin might start peeling which will fall off naturally.
Do not use chemical exfoliants or active ingredients like tretonin, retinol, salicylic acid or vitamin C, etc immediately after use.
Do not let anyone else use your roller and replace it at least once every 3 months to prevent irritation from dull needles.